Today, as I expected, there were hardly any organisms still living in my aquarium. It wasn't until I observed the bottom of the aquarium that I found a large amount of organisms. The three main organisms I observed were Fragellaria sp. (Rainis and Russell 1996 page 113), Stylaria sp. (Rainis and Russell 1996 page 227), and Actinosphaerium (Patterson 1996 page 169 figure 395), and there was an ample amount of each in the mud at the bottom of the aquarium. This was the first time I had noticed a Fragellaria, which is a ribbon-shaped diatom that continuously breaks apart and reproduces to form new ribbons. A few organisms I have seen since the very first observation are Actinosphaerium, Clacoderan, and Ostrocod. They have been consistent and there have been a good amount of them each time. I assume they require the least amount of nutrients to survive.
Rainis K.G. and Russell B.J. 1996. Guide to Microlife. Franklin Watts. United States. 287 p.
Patterson DJ. 1996. Free-Living Freshwater Protozoa. (NY) John Wiley and Sons. 223 p.
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