Monday, November 5, 2012

Friday, November 2nd

Today, the addition of the Beta Fish Pellet was obviously observed. Millions of little flagellates have come to be as a result of the fish pellet, however, they have not yet been identified. Among the flagellates, Euplotes were also added to the ecosystem (Patterson 1996 page 124 figure 261) I continued to see many Actinosphaerium sp. throughout the tank, as well as multiple Gastrotrich, shown above (Pennak 1989 page 126 figure 6.7). Very little is known about these invertebrates. I observed tremendous growth in plant B, the Utricularia gibba. The flowering buds on the plant had grown very much in both size and quantity.
Chaetonotus, or Gastrotrich

Patterson DJ. 1996. Free-Living Freshwater Protozoa. (NY) John Wiley and Sons. 223 p.

Pennak RW. 1989. Freshwater Invertebrates of the United States. (NY) John Wiley and Sons. 628 p.

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